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Antonie Pannekoek Archives

Bron: Delpher  (Het volk : Dagblad voor de Arbeiderspartij, 10 september 1921).


Poster, 1921; source: i.i.s.g. , Amsterdam

List of members

List of members (before 1923) of one quarter of Amsterdam (zuid-oost); source: i.i.s.g., Collectie Henk Canne Meijer , Map 184.

New in 2020:

Rinus Pelgrom

nl | Rinus Pelgrom : Het leven van een beroepsrevolutionair of het belang van directe actie / Bart de Cort. – 145 p.

Kommunistische Arbeiders-Partij in Nederland (K.A.P.N., 1921-1932)


In May-July 1921 some 200 oppositional members of the c.p.h. were excluded while others left (see f.i. the Roode Vaan of Barend Luteraan). On 4 September 1921, at Amersfoort, they founded the Kommunistische Arbeiders-Partij in Nederland with ten local sections: Amsterdam, Bussum, Den Haag (The Hague), Deventer, Enschede (published in 1921 its own “De Kommunist”), Hengelo, Leyden (Leiden), Rotterdam, Weesp and Zwolle; with somewhat later, questionable, up to some 400 members, most of whom left within a year leaving no traces. According to the k.a.p.d., in 1922 there would have been some 200 members left, probably less, with sections in Amsterdam, Bussum, Den Haag, Enschede, Leiden, Rotterdam, Utrecht and Zwolle; thus the sections in Deventer, Hengelo and Weesp would have disappeared, while only in Utrecht a new section was founded. The sections outside of Amsterdam left little proof of further activity and thus the members are hard to trace. Also according to the k.a.p.d., in 1922 the Kommunistische Arbeiders-Jeugd (youth-organisation) only had a section in Amsterdam, with some ten members, oriented, in contrast to the great majority of the k.a.p.n.-members, towards the Berlin-Tendency in Germany; some (known members) are included in this list; most of them became participants to the later g.i.c. Although a group carried the name of the party until 1932, it fundamentally fell apart in 1923 when the immediate revolutionary perspective had vanished; and the main task became the clarification of the past movement to prepare for the future, rather than ‘direct action’, which, however, remained important to save lives.

It’s “theoretician” or rather inspirator was Herman Gorter, who wrote or translated all the party’s pamphlets. For “theory”, Herman Gorter relied heavily on Anton Pannekoek’s Weltrevolution und Kommunistische Taktik of August 1920, of which he made his own interpretation (corresponding to the Essen-Tendency in Germany, led by his friend Karl Schröder), in disagreement with Anton Pannekoek, who furthermore never joined the organisation but remained friends with Herman Gorter until the latter’s death in 1927, the year in which Pannekoek started to write again after a quasi-abstinence of six years.

In 1923, finally concluding to a defeat of the proletariat after failed attempts to found a new International (the Communist Workers’ International), which soon broke up into local tendencies, and which Herman Gorter tried in vain to reunify, he more or less retreated also because of serious health problems, writing his famous line “In defeat, I want to be their poet” (end of the first sonnet of The Worker’s Council, published 1931); yet, in the last months of his life he tried to found a new group. Such group came to life only after his death: the g.i.c., far more oriented towards the Berlin-tendency of the German k.a.p.d., if not under the “mentorship” of Anton Pannekoek, at least with his support.

For the following, provisional, very incomplete and certainly disputable list of some 80 members so far identified (some 50 in Amsterdam and over 20 in Overijssel), served the correspondences in the collection of Henk Canne Meijer  in the i.i.s.g.; publications of the k.a.p.n. itself; while good use was also made of some lists electronically available of the Centrale Inlichtingen Dienst ; Dutch secret security police founded in 1919 (1); the whole was completed from civil records (WieWasWie ), indexes of the communal archives of the city of Amsterdam ; some genealogical sites (sometimes very unreliable) and sites on victims of the “final solution” (2); important sources are also: Archieven.nl , and Delpher  (mainly newspapers and periodicals); regional archives also make ever more available on the web, like Collectie Overijssel  and MijnStadMijnDorp  (Overijssel).

Although there were a lot of quarrels, it becomes also clear that it was not just “a bunch of odd-jobbers” [een bende scharrelaars]. Much remains to be desired, so if you dispose of more or better information, please share it.

Some context

 nl | Witness Account by Louis Korper (1988-1989) on the k.a.p.n. (the Korper’s), g.i.c., Ben Sijes, Jan Appel, Peter Utzelmann, Franz Jung, Fritz Kief and many others.

“Hier hebben de zogenaamde intellectuelen voor hun eigen voornaamheid, de proleten maar weggelaten, ze gewoon vergeten.”

Source: i.i.s.g. , Amsterdam; Kleine Nederlandse Archieven, personen, nr 116: typoscript van Louis Korper naar aanleiding van Richter Roegholt’s Ben Sijes – een biografie (Den Haag 1988).

Preceeding periodicals:

Publications of the k.a.p.n.:

Some follow-ups:

Members by local section


 — Agen, Age van (1896-1973); Amsterdam, merchant, worker; later member of the g.i.c., agitator among the unemployed, most of all inspirator of the separate Proletenstemmen; co-author of the Roodboek on Marinus van der Lubbe; son of Jan van Agen, merchant, and Annigje Steenbergen; 1920 marries in Lonneker (Overijssel) Luutske Nijdam, pharmacist assistent (apothekersassistente); divorce Enschede 1936, remarries 1938 Fie Zegerius (member of the g.i.c.) (3).

 — Amstel (=Leijden van Amstel), Gretha van (Greet, 1903-1981); Amsterdam, visuel artist (beeldend kunstenaresse); she was one of the co-editors of the Roodboek on Marinus van der Lubbe; daughter of Meijer Leijden van Amstel (1866-murdered Sobibor, 1943) and Femmetje Abas (1868-1940); marries Lo Lopes Cardozo; she was sent to Auschwitz but survived; she had two sons (Paul and Matthieu) and a daughter (Rita, also called Sonja); only Paul survived; she wrote poems on the war and the holocaust (4).

Greet van Amstel Greet van Amstel, source: The Spur, April 1934, collection Bart de Cort.

 — Andersen, Catharina (1884-1966); Amsterdam; daughter of Johannes Andersen and Eva Anna Margaretha Peereboom, marries 1911 Barend Luteraan, divorce 1921, two children: Elisabeth (Dolly, 1912-) and Johannes (Hans, 1915-).

Catharina Andersen Catharine Andersen, source: Vele woningen, maar nergens een huis, p. 30, collection E. Melchers-Luteraan.

 — Beer, Herman de (1871-1936); Amsterdam; travelling salesman (handelsreiziger), real estate agent (makelaar), later member of the g.i.c.; main author of De beweging van het kapitalistisch bedrijfsleven, 1932; son of Abraham Mozes de Beer, shopkeeper (winkelier) and Judik Heertjes; marries 1896 Sara de Vries (1868-murdered Auschwitz 1943), one son and two daughters: Benjamin (1897-), Lea (1899-murdered Auschwitz 1943); she married 1922 Levie Gans, diamond cutter (diamantslijper) and Judith (1902-); she married 1927 Joseph Koopman, salesman (koopman) (5).

 — Boer, M. de; Amsterdam.

 — Bos, Johannes Jacobus (Jan) (1876-1948); Amsterdam, publisher of Herman Gorter’s political works and a friend of Barend Luteraan; later member of the b.k.s.p. and the o.s.p.; son of Karel Antonie Bos  (1846-1899) and Catharina Helena Elisabeth de Bruijn (6).

Jan Bos Jan Bos, source: Dennis Bos.

 — Bruin, Coenraad du (Coen, 1885-murdered Sobibor, 1943); Amsterdam, sales representative (handelsreiziger), insurance broker (agent levensverzekering); in 1924 secretary of the Amsterdam section of the k.a.p.n., later member of the s.d.a.p. and 1934 o.s.p.; present on five police lists of the c.i.d., 1924-1939; son of Jacob du Bruin and Vrouwtje Stokvis, marries 1910 Catharina Maria Wilhelmina Carolina de Rooij (1886-1971); they had three children: Frederika (1911-1999), Gerard (1912-Konzentrationslager Neuengamme 1942) and Jeanne (Miriam, 1919-1994) (7).

 — Burg, W.H.

 — Canne Meijer, Henk (1890-1962); Amsterdam; first benchman travelling through Europe, since 1914 teacher, member of the s.d.a.p., s.d.p., k.a.p.n. (he left in 1924); founding participant in the g.i.c., see: Henk Canne Meijer.

Henk Canne Meijer Henk Canne Meijer, 1949, with Marco in his arms; source: collection a.a.a.p., Clara Geoffroy.

 — Evers, Wilhelmina Johanna (1896-1928), Amsterdam; marries 1919 Jan Nicolaas Nugter, daughter of Jan Nicolaas Evers, carpenter (timmerman) and Anna Christina Heineman.

Jan Nugter en Wilhelmina Evers Jan Nugter en Wilhelmina Evers Jan Nugter en Wilhelmina Evers, source left: nugter.nl, de site van de familie Nugter  (blog), source right: Stamboom van de Nugters .

 — Fraterman, George Cornelis; (1877-1968); Amsterdam, bicycle repairer (fietsenmaker, rijwielhersteller), merchant in 1930; son of Johanna Cornelia Fraterman, marries 1905 Aleida Geertruida Gimbergh (1887-); they had a daughter Johanna Cornelia (1906-) (8).

 — Goltz, Marie (1895-); Amsterdam, born Wilna, Lithuania, office clerk (kantoorbediende) daughter of Josef Goltz, diamond cutter (diamantslijper), and Sophie Nemzenko, marries 1922 Pieter Secrève.

 — Grewel, prof. dr. Frits (1898-1973); Amsterdam, medical docter, reputated psychiater, later professor remedial educationalist (orthopedagogiek); son of Salomon Grewel, diamond cutter, and Alida Dommershuijzen, marries 1931 Sophia Wessel  (1902-1975); they had a son Charles Grewel (1932-1984) and a daughter Annemarie Grewel  (1935-1998) (9).

Frits Grewel Frits Grewel Frits Grewel, source left: Beeldbank Amsterdam  (Portrait made by his friend Carel Willink ); source right: Universiteit van Amsterdam, portrait of 1969 .

 — Hillesum, Betsy (Betje, 1901-1924); Amsterdam, commemorated in De Baanbreker, 3e jaargang, nr. 1, marries 1921 Bernard Verduin; daughter of Jacob Hillesum, roosjesslijper, and Anna Tertaas (both murdered Auschwitz, 1943); two sons: Bernard (1921-Buchenwald 1944) and Frits (1923-murdered Auschwitz 1944).

 — Hoenders, Willem Albertus (Arnhem 1884-The Hague 1966); Amsterdam, The Hague; member of the s.d.p. and k.a.p.n.; wrote in De Tribune, 5 december 1916; and in De Internationale, 1918; son of Harm Jan Hoenders, shop keeper (winkelier), and Hendrika Adriana Odendaal; died not married.

 — Hoorn, Petrus Franciscus van (Piet, 1885-1937); Amsterdam, mathematician; graduated cum laude gymnasium, studied Leiden, pupil of prof. Hendrik Lorentz ; also poet, reputated cello- and chess-player; son of Jacobus van Hoorn; travelled a lot throughout Europa, thereupon accountant; was part of the circle around Maurits Dekker (10).

Piet van Hoorn Piet van Hoorn, source: New in Chess .

 — Janssen, J.J.; Amsterdam.

 — Kief, Carl Friedrich (Frits, 1908-1976); Amsterdam, electrotechnician, born Rotterdam, son of Philipp Kief and Susanna Pfeiffer, marries 1932 Rosa Korper (11); after the Second World War he published in De Vlam  (1945-1952); also see: Witness Acount by Louis Korper.

Frits Kief Frits Kief, source: MyHeritage.com .

 — Koost, B.; Amsterdam.

 — Korper, Abraham (Bram, 1893-murdered Auschwitz, 1944); Amsterdam, cigar maker, office clerk (kantoorbediende), in 1924, according to the police, member of the board of the w.a.c., but not mentioned by the police as member of the k.a.p.n., brother of Rosa Korper; son of David Korper, merchant (koopman), and Rebecca Kokernoot, first marries 1926 Rosa Reens (1892-1928), then Beathe de Leeuw (1901-murdered Auschwitz, 1944); one son, Rudolf Herman Korper (Rodi, from the first marriage, 1928-Extern kommando Gleiwitz, 1944), and a daughter, Ruth Korper (second marriage, 1935-murdered Auschwitz, 1943) (12).

Bram Korper Bram Korper Bram Korper, left: i.i.s.g.; right: De Tribune, 15 May 1917

 — Korper, Louis (Loet, 1919-); Amsterdam; member of the Kommunistische Arbeidersjeugd; later member of the g.i.c.; son of Manus Korper and Tonie Maassen; married Ali Eilander, a sister of Ad Eilander, who was married to Rietje Bianchetti; see: Witness Account by Louis Korper.

 — Korper, Emanuel (Manus, Manie, 1884-1940); Amsterdam, cigar maker; son of Levi Korper (1861-1915), disc sander (schijvenschuurder), en Aaltje Rootveld (1861-1938); a cousin of Bram and Rosa Korper; marries 1918 Toni Maassen, they had two children, Louis (1919-2002), and Simon (1921-2009); Manus Korper commited suicide 15 May 1940 when the German troops marched into Amsterdam (13).

Manus Korper Manus Korper Left: Manus Korper, source: i.i.s.g.; right: De Tribune, 26 april 1917

 — Korper, Rosa (1906-1997?); Amsterdam; daughter of David Korper, merchant (koopman), and Rebecca Kokernoot; marries 1932 Frits Kief; sister of Bram Korper (14).

 — Korper, Sara (1902-2000); lingerie dressmaker (lingerie naaister); Amsterdam; daughter of Levi Korper (1861-1915), disc sander (schijvenschuurder), en Aaltje Rootveld (1861-1938), sister of Manus Korper (15).

 — Leeuw, Arthur de, Amsterdam; clock dealer (klokkenhandelaar) with a shop at the Binnen-Amstel, nr. 198; in 1937 editor of “De Arbeidersraad”; he had a sister Beathe, she marries Bram Korper]; also see: Witness Account by Louis Korper.

 — Lopes Cardozo, Benjamin (Ben, 1887-1942); Amsterdam, merchant, died Amsterdam, 8 May 1942 (suicide, the day before he had to wear the Star of David), son of Mozes Lopes Cardozo (1849-1921) and Mirjam Ailion (1851-1897), who had 18 children, brother of Lo Lopes Cardozo; marries Malka Raismann (1890-1982); children: Max (1911-), Agnes (1913-), Johannes (1915-), Jacob (1917-) and Benjamin (1922-) (16).

Ben Lopes Cardozo Ben Lopes Cardozo, source: Bart de Cort (This is Ben and not Lo).

 — Lopes Cardozo, Lodewijk (Lou, Lo, 1892-murdered Auschwitz 1944); Amsterdam, office employee, journalist Algemeen Handelsblad, son of Mozes Lopes Cardozo (1849-1921) and Mirjam Ailion (1851-1897), brother of Ben Lopes Cardozo, in 1933 he was publisher of De radencommunist, then lived Holendrechtstraat, 33-III, lived with Gretha (Greet) Leijden van Amstel (they had three children), with their daughter Sonja they were arrested in the summer of 1944 and transported via Westerbork to Auschwitz; only Greetje survived; their other son, Paul Lopes Cardozo, born 1922, died in 2000; formally (in order to provide her with a legal presence) Lo was married to Cerlina Sophia van Essen (1900-1936) (17).

Lo Lopes Cardozo Lo Lopes Cardozo, source: Community Joods Monument , portrait made by Meijer Bleekrode (This is Lo, and not Ben).

 — Luteraan, Barend (1878-1970); Amsterdam, on police lists of the c.i.d., 1919-1939; son of Saartje Luteraan, marries 1911 Catharina Andersen, divorce 1921, they had two children or more: Elisabeth (Dolly, 1912-) and Johannes (Hans, 1915-); then living with Catho van der Meer-Maassen; they had four children: Bob, Nol, Bertha and Cora Maassen (18).

Barend-Luteraan Barend-Luteraan Barend Luteraan; source left: Vele woningen, maar nergens een thuis, p. 11 (G. Smits-Maassen); right: Geheugen van Nederland  (E. Melchers-Luteraan.)

 — Maassen, Antonia Johanna (Toni, 1878-1968); Amsterdam; daughter of Albert Arnold Maassen, carpenter (timmerman), and Anthonia Johanna van den Heuvel, marries 1906 Bernardo Antonio Bianchetti, waiter, died 1910, remarries 1919 Manus Korper; sister of Catho and Theo Maassen; three children from the first marriage: Bernardo Antonio (Ben), Albert Johan (Broer) and Maria Antonia Johanna Bianchetti (Rietje), two children from the second mariage: Louis (1919-2002), and Simon (1921-2009); see also: g.i.c.

 — Maassen, Catharina Elisabeth (Catho, 1884/1885-); Amsterdam; daughter of Albert Arnold Maassen, carpenter (timmerman), and Anthonia Johanna van den Heuvel, sister of Toni and Theo Maassen, marries 1911 Gerrit van der Meer, druggist, died young, later living with Barend Luteraan.

Catho Maassen and Barend Luteraan Catho Maassen and Barend Luteraan, source: i.i.s.g. .

 — Maassen, Theodorus Johannes (Theo, ps. Roossen, 1891-1974); Amsterdam, sales representative (handelsreiziger), excluded in 1922, later member of the g.i.c., excluded, Spartacus and in 1964 co-founder of Daad en Gedachte; son of Albert Arnold Maassen, carpenter (timmerman), and Anthonia Johanna van den Heuvel, brother of Catho and Toni Maassen, marries 1912 Hilda Emma Anna Cornelia van der Haas, divorce 1918, he remarries 1919 Pauline Anchelina Louise Philippeau; their daughter Sonja Maassen (1921-2008) became a popular singer: Sonja Oosterman  (19).

 — Morlee, Jan, Amsterdam

 — Nugter, Jan Nicolaas (1897-1975); Amsterdam, dispatch helper (expeditieknecht), street sweeper, factory worker, paviour (stratenmaker); was a member in 1927-1928, in 1933 he would have sold portraits of Mussolini and Hitler; son of Willem Nugter, farmer (landbouwer) and Johanna Epker; marries Avenhorn 1919 Wilhelmina Johanna Evers (1896-1928); remarries 1929 Jacoba Johanna Swart (1895-1949); third marriage 1949 Marie Martha Czernetski (1905-), divorce 1951, fourth marriage 1953 Helena Catharina van Bracht (1916-1999).

Jan Nugter en Wilhelmina Evers Jan Nugter en Wilhelmina Evers Jan Nugter en Wilhelmina Evers, source left: Ott ~ voorouderonderzoek   (blog), source right: Stamboom van de Nugters .

 — Nunes Vaz, Jacob (Jaap, 1906-murdered Sobibor, 1943); Amsterdam; journalist; later member of the o.s.p.; according to a police report in 1936 of the b.r.s.; during the Second World War founder and main editor of the illegal Het Parool; son of Isaac Nunes Vaz, shop-keeper (winkelier), and Daatje Kinsbergen (20).

Jaap Nunes Vaz Jaap Nunes Vaz, source: Yad Vashem Photo Archive .

 — Pelgrom, Marinus Paulus (Rinus, Rotterdam 1902-Antwerpen 1970); Amsterdam; later “trotskyist”; son of Daniel Willem Pelgrom and Maria Johanna Commijs; marries Rotterdam, 1926 Anna Margaretha Koeten (Greet, Rotterdam 1907-Amsterdam 1988) (21).

Rinus Pelgrom Rinus Pelgrom, source: Onvoltooid verleden .

 — Praag, M. van; Amsterdam, probably the same as the later (1923) member of the Bond van Religieuse Anarcho-Communisten of Bart de Ligt.

 — Reens, Rosa (1892-1928); Amsterdam, clerk (Dienst der Publieke Werken), daughter of Jacob Mozes Isaac Reens, merchant, and Floortje Mok, marries 1926 Bram Korper; she died in child labour, their son Rudolf was raised by one of Bram’s sisters.

 — Rot, A.; Amsterdam.

 — Schröder, J.C.A.; Amsterdam.

 — Secrève , Pieter Abraham (1887-1963); Amsterdam, born Schoterland; office clerk (kantoorbediende); secretary of the k.a.p.n., was expelled in 1924 or earlier; on police lists 1924-1939; son of Pieter Abraham Secrève and Catharina Jacoba Suzanna Petronella Hirschmann, marries 1922 Marie Goltz.

 — Slagter, A.; Amsterdam (22).

 — Stuiver, Barend (1884-murdered Auschwitz 1944); Amsterdam, merchant and cigar maker; son of Abraham Stuiver and Kaatje Boeken, marries 1925 Rosa van Straten (1890-murdered Auschwitz 1944); one daughter (1929-) (23).

 — Swinderen, Dirk van (1890-1931?), Amsterdam, office clerk (kantoorbediende); lived 1917-1919 Weesp; administrator Kommunistische Arbeider (k.a.p.n.), on police lists of the c.i.d., 1924 and 1930; son of Maximiliaan Hendrik Jan van Swinderen, carpenter (timmerman), and Cornelia de Haas; he had a daughter Frida (born 1920, legitimised by marriage in 1928, died 1950) with Saartje de Vries (1895-), she lived twice in the household of Henk Canne Meijer, Groen van Prinstererstraat 28 and Transvaalkade 106, and also twice at the same addres as the father of her daughter 28 (24)

 — Utzelmann, Peter (1896-1972, ps. Kempin), unsure; Amsterdam; agitator in Germany; if he was in Amsterdam, then not very long, probably 1922 (25); also see: Witness Account by Louis Korper.

 — Valkhoff, Prof. Dr. Johan (1897-1975); Amsterdam; lawyer; soon returned to social-democracy; in 1936 he translated Trotsky’s History of the Russian Revolution into Dutch (26).

Johan Valkhoff Jan Valkhof, source: b.w.s.a. .

 — Verduin, Abraham (1902-murdered Auschwitz 1945), Amsterdam, manufacturer of hats, born Borgerhout (Belgium), secretary youth group k.a.p.n., on police lists of the c.i.d., 1924 and 1930, later participant in the g.i.c.; son van Isaac Verduin, diamond cutter, and Rachel Stijsel; brother of Bernard Verduin (27).

Abraham Verduin Abraham Verduin, ±1940, source: Joods Monument .

 — Verduin, Bernard (Ben, 1900-1972), Amsterdam, office employee in a bookstore, journalist, marries 1921 Betje (Betsy) Hillesum, he continued her diary after her early death; later member of the g.i.c.; on police list of the c.i.d.; son of Isaac Verduin, diamond cutter, and Rachel Bernardine Stijsel (both murdered in Auschwitz); brother of Abraham Verduin; two sons: Bernard (1921-murdered Buchenwald 1944) and Frits (1923-murdered Auschwitz 1944) (28).

 — Verduin, Isaac Abraham (1891-murdered Auschwitz 1942); Amsterdam, raincoat sticker (regenjassenplakker), since 1936 worker of the textile factory Hollandia-Kattenburg; son of Isaac Abraham Verduin, diamond patcher (diamantversteller), and Simona Worms; lived with Henriette Swaab (1898-1940), inspector (controleuse) (29).

Isaac Verduin Isaak Verduin, source: Joods Monument .

 — Verduin, J.; Amsterdam.

 — Wal, P. van der; Amsterdam.

 — Wiertz, Johannes Antonius (1891-1951); Amsterdam, waiter (kelner); son of Maria Alida Wiertz, marries 1913 Jacobje Gijzen, they had two children.


 — Coerman, Jacob Pieter Albertus (Piet, 1888-1962); Bussum, primary school teacher (onderwijzer), friends with to Herman Gorter since 1908; his fellow fighter in the s.d.a.p., s.d.p., c.p.h. and k.a.p.n.; after Gorter’s death co-founder of the g.i.c.; son of Jacob Gerard Coerman and Aaltje Bruggink; marries Johanna Francisca van Randeraat; they had a son Jaap (1920-2008, who paticipated in the Verzetsgroep Gerritsen); Piet was a brother of Anna Coerman.

Piet Coerman 1920 Birth announcement, source: unknown.

 — Gorter, Herman (1864-1927); Bussum, teacher, listed by the c.i.d., 1919-1938, son of Simon Gorter, baptist vicar (doopsgezind dominee), and Johanna Catharina Lugt, marries 1890 Louise (Wies) Cnoop Koopmans (1865-1916); see: An inventory of the writings of Herman Gorter (1864-1927), and: Notes and letters by Herman Gorter.

Herman-Gorter Herman Gorter, source: Het Geheugen van Nederland  (Letterkundig Museum, Den Haag).

The Hague (’s-Gravenhage/Den Haag)

 — Bom, Adrianus Jacobus (Arie, Rotterdam 1895, child acknowledged by the father at his marriage with the mother - ’s-Gravenhage, 1966); The Hague, worked, according to Cajo Brendel, with Gees en Stientje; published in 1933 De Radencommunist separate from the g.i.c. and, with Cajo Brendel, Proletarische Beschouwingen in 1936-1938, listed by the c.i.d. 1938-1939; in 1939 even as “terrorist”; in 1938 he joined the anarchist “Vrije Socialist”; son of Johannes Melchior Bom, factory worker (fabrieksarbeider), casual labourer (los werkman), and Alida Jacoba van der Wal, marries (1) 1915 Lena Vroegindeweij, divorce 1936; (2) Johanna Gerardina Olrichs (1902-); four children: Johannes Melchior (Jan, 1915-2001, reputable draughts player), Adrianus Jacobus (1918-1918), Lena Adriana Jacoba (1919-1945) and Adrianus Jacobus (Arie, 1920-2014, reputable draughts player). In the collection of Cajo Brendel, i.i.s.g. , map 39, one can find an “autobiography” of Arie Bom, in fact, the title is Beschaving en cultuur der Nazi’s (Civilisation and culture of the Nazi’s), an account of his experiences in concentration camps in 1942-1944. He is also mentioned in: Held tegen wil en dank  ; Het tragische lot van een Haagse agent in bezettingstijd / Jan H. Kompagnie. – Amsterdam : Uitgeverij Balans, 2014 (30); in 1951 Arie Bom still held a speech on an anarchist Pinksterlanddag  at Appelsga; he was then part of “De Vrije Groep” in The Hague; and remained a popular speaker .


No names known yet.


 — Geers, Dr. Gerardus Johannes (1891-1965); Enschede, born Delft, teacher (leraar h.b.s.), hispanist; prominent member of the k.a.p.n. (according to the police in 1924 “leader of the k.a.p.h.”), later anarchist, on police lists of the c.i.d., 1921-1937 (31).

 — Schouwink, Hendrik (1880/1881-1957); Enschede (Lonneker), later member of the r.s.p.; son of Jan Schouwink and Johanna Wevers; marries 1911 Johanna Louisa de Vos (-1926), remarries 1929 Johanna Scholten; see: Collectie Henk Canne Meijer, map 21.

 — Vries, J. de; Enschede, secretary local section k.a.p.n., on police lists c.i.d., 1924 and 1930.

 — Kretz, Cornelis Jacobus (1879-1956); The Hague since 1919, born Rotterdam, merchant, postal address editors k.a.p.n., on lists c.i.d., 1924-1939; son of Karel Hendrik Kretz and Antonia Cornelia van Dordrecht, marries 1918 Antje Johanna van Lier (1883-1971) (32).


 — Christenhusz, Gerardus Joannes (1888-), Hengelo, born Almelo, agent insurances (verzekeringsagent), son of Gerardus Joannes Christenhusz, carpenter (timmerman), and Maria Perik; marries 1917 Hendrika Antonia ter Ellen; they had a daughter Maria Hendrika Johanna Christenhusz (-died two years old, 1928).

 — Weegink, Johannes, Hengelo, agent for Kommunistische Arbeider (k.a.p.n.), on police list of the c.i.d., 1924 and 1930, in 1939 as anarchist (Krabbenboschweg 4) (33).

Leyden (Leiden)

No names known yet.


For an extensive source for the history of the workers’ mouvement in Rotterdam:  Rood Rotterdam in de jaren 1930. – Rotterdam : Uitgeverij Raket, januari 1984. – 384 p.

 — Kleijn; Rotterdam.

 — Roodzant, David (1892-1957); Rotterdam, born The Hague, benchman (bankwerker), amateur chess player, son of Johannis Cornelis Pieter Roodzant and Margaretha Geertruida Mieremet, marries 1918 Catharina Glimmerveen  (Toos, 1896-1999, 102 years old, a profesionnel international chess champion, first woman in this game of skill in the Netherlands); from 1919 to 1921 they lived in England; they had three children.

 — Tervooren, G.; Rotterdam?

 — Visser, J.J.; Rotterdam, secretary local section of the k.a.p.n. until 1925, afterwards not organised, on police list c.i.d. in 1925.

 — Wijnveldt, C.; Rotterdam.


 — Coenders, A. (1876-1924); Utrecht, living Swammerdamstraat Elinckwijk-Zuilen, treasurer of the k.a.p.n. in 1922, later anti-militarist, editor Vrije Communist, listed as revolutionary by the c.i.d., 1919-1925. Van partij-communist tot vrij-communist / A. Coenders. – Almelo : Bond van Religieuse Anarcho-Communisten, 1923. – 16 p.


No names yet known. In Weesp Gerard Albert Vader  (1865-1940) was a central figure; although he never was a member of the k.a.p.n. some in his entourage were, and he remained friends with Herman Gorter.


 — Agter, T. (Sytze/Sietze) (1877-1949), Zwolle, primary school teacher (onderwijzer); son of Popke Pieters Agter en Akke Sakes van der Meulen; marries 1905 Trijntje Nekkers, two daughters: Annie (1909-1992) and Nine  (1912-1997), marries Erik Jordens).

 — Coerman, Anna Beredina (1885-1940); Zwolle, primary school teacher (onderwijzeres); secretary of the k.a.p.n.; daughter of Jacob Gerard Coerman and Aaltje Bruggink, in 1911 marries George Johann Viehoff, born Maag (1886-), cadaster draughtsman (kadastertekenaar), son of a sculptor (beeldhouwer); she was a sister of Piet Coerman.

Viehoff-Coerman Source: De Tribune , 30 maart 1918 (Delpher).

 — Bruins, G., Zwolle.

 — Bruins, M., Zwolle.

 — Doorn-Masseling, S. van, Zwolle.

 — Hendriksen, B.; Zwolle.

 — Hoetink; Zwolle; [possibly G.W. Hoetink (1890-1965)].

 — Jordens, Gerrit David (1877-1957); Zwolle, mechanical engineer (werktuigbouwkundig ingenieur), president of the local section of the k.a.p.n.; later participant to the g.i.c. until 1933; son of Daniel Jacob Rudolph Jordens, bookkeeper, and Willemina Henriette Elisabeth Molenkamp; marries 1903 Anna Geertruida de Bruijn (1881-1946); children: Erik (born and died 1904), Wilhelmina Henriette Elizabeth (1906-1921), Erik (1908-, marries Nine Agter), and Helena Henriette Gerdina (1910-) (34).

Gerrit Jordens  Gerrit Jordens, source: Igor Cornelissen.

 — Klooster, J.; Zwolle.

 — Nekkers, Trijntje (1882-1943); Zwolle, born Heerenveen, daughter of Andries Pieter Nekkers and Aaltje Hielkema, coffeeshop keeper (koffiehuishoudster), treasurer (penningmeester) of the local section of the k.a.p.n.; on police lists of the c.i.d., 1924 en 1930, marries in 1905 Sietze Agter (1877-1949), teacher; she died Epe, Gelderland, 10 maart 1943; two daughters: Annie (1909-1992) and Nine (1912-1997), marries Erik Jordens).

 — Rossum, H. van, Zwolle.

 — Scheffer, Wilhelm Johannes (1885-1924); Zwolle, engine driver (machinist) n.s. (Nederlandsche Spoorwegen, Dutch Railways), president of the local section of the k.a.p.n., on police lists of the c.i.d.; son of Wilhelm Scheffer, wagonbuilder (wagenmaker) and Hendrikje van den Bosch, marries 1917 Johanna van Dijk (1882-); see:  Kommunistische Arbeider, 1924, nr. 3.

 — Snoek, H., Zwolle.

 — Teeken, J., Zwolle.

 — Valk, J.; Zwolle.

 — Willems, Frederik (1890-); Zwolle, under engine driver (ondermachinist); son of Jan Willems, switcher (wisselwachter) and Hillechien ter Steeg, marries Zwolle 1917 Margaretha Jochemina Jansen.

Related others

 — Altenau, Johannes Petrus Martinus van (Den Bosch 1889-The Hague 1955); cigar maker, son of Abraham Johannes Altenau, cigar maker, and Josephina Theodora Bouwmans, lived Antwerps, came to Leiden in 1920, in 1922 he moved to Amsterdam, in 1924 propagandist for the c.p.h., in 1939 according to the police a “reputable council communist” in Den Bosch; in Amsterdam in 1916 he marries Rosina Anna Bertelsmann, divorce 1927; remarries The Hague, 1931, Wilhelmina Cornelia Veldjans; living there Van Brakelstraat 86-II (Zeeheldenkwartier); he was on the list of the c.i.d., arrested 1942, imprisoned in the “Oranje Hotel”, camp Amersfoort, camp Vught, released 1943 on medical advice (35).

 — Dekker, Maurits Rudolf Joel (Maurits, 1896-1962), writer, pseudonyms: Gerard van Arkel, Martin Redeke, Boris Robazki; nicknamed “the giant” (“de reus”); in 1938 he was convicted to a fine of ƒ100,- or 20 days jail for “having offended a befriended head of state” (Adolf Hitler), son of Joël Dekker, sales reprensentative and house painter, and Betje Turksma, dressmaker; marries 1923 Mien Hellingman (member of the g.i.c.); they had two daughters (Eleonore Dekker and Meavedea (Mea) Dekker) from a free marriage, and which were legally recognised by marriage in 1923; after his first wives’ death in 1954 he remarries Hendrika Christina van Assen (36).

Maurits Dekker Maurits Dekker, source: b.w.s.a.

 — Eggink, Clasina Maria (Claasje, Oegstgeest 1890/1891-Enschede 1958); Amsterdam, telegrapher; daughter of Jan Govert Eggink and Catharina Elisabeth Bomli; member of the Federatie van Sociaal-Anarchisten ca. 1920-1923, later c.p.h. (excluded), b.k.s.p.; emigrated 1929 to the u.s.a.; marries 1920 Mourits Wesselius, house painter; see on her: Clasina Maria E.; de vrouw die weigerde haar hoofd neer te leggen  / C[lare].H. Wesselius. – Amsterdam : Gopher, 2002. – 52 p.

 — Harteveld, Simon Johannes (1900-1962), Leiden, macon (metselaar), friend of Marinus van der Lubbe and member of the l.a.o., son of Willem Harteveld, carpenter (timmerman) and Elisabeth Anneeze, marries Leiden, 1924 Christina Jongeleen (1899-1972), three children.

 — Lubbe, Marinus van der (1909-1934), supposed to have set fire all alone to the German Reichstag building in 1933; he left the c.p.h. in 1931 (maybe somewhat earlier), and thus could not have been a member of the k.a.p.n., and he certainly was not a member of the g.i.c.; he was, however, in contact with the l.a.o. in Leyde (Leiden) and The Hague (Den Haag) and friends with, for instance, Piet van Albada and other g.i.c.-members. He certainly was not an anarchist, although anarchists admired and defended him. His story remains controversial, as he might have been helped by the Nazi’s without his knowledge, although there is no proof whatsoever of such. The Communist Left in the Netherlands was divided; all defended his person against Stalinist and Nazi slander, but not all defended his act; some thought he did it alone, others thought this to be very unlikely. See: Personal Act / Anton Pannekoek, 1933; Destruction as a Means of Struggle / Anton Pannekoek, 1933; it didn’t stop there, see: De Arbeidersraad, Verklaring, 2 oktober 1933; De Arbeidersraad, 14 augustus 1935; in reaction to: Waarheen gaat de “Arbeidersraad”?; for a defense of the act and Van der Lubbe as only actor, see: Rijksdagbrand  (nl, blog by Nico Jassies, archivist at the i.i.s.g.; well argumented and documented, but nothing new since 2013); longer:  Marinus van der Lubbe en de Rijksdagbrand / Nico Jassies. – Amsterdam : De Dolle Hond, 2002 (source: i.i.s.g. );  Van der Lubbe, proletariër of provocateur (thanks to Bart de Cort); Roodboek  / [Maurits Dekker]. – Amsterdam : Internationaal Uitgeversbedrijf, [1933]; also see: Archiv des Reichstagsbrandforums , 1995-2008 (extensive collection of contributions); OpinioIuris : Die freie juristische Bibliothek : Urteil: RG, 23.12.1933 - XII H 42/33. The front page of the social-democrat “Vorwärts” from the Reichstagsbrand night: the first page 1 is from the first print run of the issue ([ Vorwärts, 28. Februar 1933] with 12 pages, probably for the Berlin region), containing a short notice of w.t.b. (the semi-official German news agency) announcing van der Lubbe’s capture; the second page 1 is the second print run of the issue ([ Vorwärts, 28. Februar 1933] with 10 pages, probably for the Reich-advertisements were dropped, and the pages are ordered differently); it contains a longer w.t.b. article of “12 Uhr15 Minuten”, so it is the early afternoon edition of Nr. 99 – the w.t.b. accusation that van der Lubbe was supported by “leading communists” is printed without comment. Important: Von Utopie, Wiederstand und Kaltem Krieg : Das unzeitgemäßige Leben des Berliner Rätekommunisten Alfred Weiland (1906-1978) / Michael Kubina. – Hamburg : Lit, 2001. – S. 113-127. Finally Wikipedia: de | en  | fr  | nl  (and other languages); also see:  Lubbe is gek geworden, hij heeft de Rijksdag in brand gestoken / Igor Cornelissen. – In: Vrij Nederland, 11 augustus 1979 (thanks to Bart de Cort). Further: Leipziger Volkszeitung,  28 February 1933. Dossier Marinus van der Lubbe , 1933-1934 (Anarchief, an extensive collection of primary sources).  Ein steinernes Denkmal für van der Lubbe / Nick Reimar. – In : Die Tageszeitung (Berlin), 13. Januar 1999.  Ein Denkmal, das niemand will - Holländische Initiative will an Marinus van der Lubbe erinnern / Claudia van Salzen. – In : Tagesspiegel (Berlin), 20. Januar 2000.  Gedenken an Reichstagsbrand unerwünscht / Richard Rother. – In : Die Tageszeitung (Berlin), 28. Februar 2000. More recent, with little new : Een fascistenleider herdacht Marinus van der Lubbe  / Robin te Slaa. – [December 2022]; for the mysterious notes: click on the bottom on “bronnen” (sources). Paul Mattick Sr. dedicated his last book “Marxism. Last refuge of the bourgeoisie?” (New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1983) “To the memory of Marinus van der Lubbe”.

A Book and a Documentary in favor of bourgeois
democracy, „Und kein Ende“, 2023 : Another
Combination of Ignorance and Arrogance

Die Brandstiftung – Mythos Reichstagsbrand : Was in der Nacht geschah, in der die Demokratie unterging  / Uwe Soukup. – München : Heyne-Verlag, 2023. – 208 S.

Arti-documentary in French (by Mickaël Gamrasni, 2022) undertitled in several other languages: “L’incendie du Reichstag – Quand la démocracy brûle” (The Reichstag Fire – When Democracy Burned Down); a defense of bourgeois-democracy against National-Socialism and somewhat less against Stalinism, without anything clear on Marinus van der Lubbe or his background, and the Redbook in his defense against Nazi and Stalinist slander isn’t even mentioned: fr  – en  – de  – it  (public only until May 2023).

  •  Reichstagsbrand: Im Zweifel für Marinus van der Lubbe / Matheus Hagedorny. – In : nd (Berlin), 28. Februar 2023
  •  Unbequeme Ansichten: Wer ist der Täter des Reichstagsbrands 1933? / Martina Scheffler. – In : Abendzeitung (AZ) München, 27. Februar 2023.
  •  Reichstagsbrand 1933: Die falschen Bilder vom Feuer / Uwe Soukup. – In : Die Tageszeitung, 9. März 2023.

Jonnie Schlichting, Archiv Karl Roche , wrote us (13 March 2023):
“I saw the documentary – and I really got angry. The historical background is nearly non-existent – nothing on the last four years of the republic when even bourgeois parliamentary democracy was suspended (“Präsidialkabinette”), the 1929 Crash, “Preußenschlag” 1932. And another favourite of mine: the so called “Spartacus-Aufstand” January 1919 was initiated by Moscow …
Hindenburg’s role: a senile old man, the last bulwark of democracy, only weakly resisting Hitler? Nothing on the role of the s.p.d. in the republic, its collaboration with the old powers during the revolution 1918-1919; what did they do while governing Prussia? The “Berliner Blutmai 1929”. The s.p.d. only appears in the end when boycotting the Reichstags opening in the Kroll-Oper, but Wels’ speech against the “Ermächtigungsgesetz” – at least one small gesture of resistance – is missing. Oh, and here it is again, the word: “Machtergreifung”.
The background of van der Lubbe is missing; yes, they only know Münzenbergs “Braunbuch” (at least not used completely uncritically – at least).
And formally: the re-coloured old Wochenschau clips and photos – why? And they mixed – without giving notice – scenes from the d.e.v.a. movie with original material. This is lousy!
There are some impressive moments, I must confess, the parts in court, the pictures of the drugged Rinus van der Lubbe – and even Dimitrow leading Goering on the nose ring.
But as a whole this docu is waisted money on the edge of falsifying history. You have to know much more about the history and times than the film makers seem to do. – Not fit for children and people without good historical knowledge.”

Marinus van der Lubbe Marinus van der Lubbe, 1933, source: Nationaal Archief , Collectie Spaarnestad.

 — Pannekoek, dr. Antonie (Anton, 1873-1960); Amsterdam, astronomer; on police lists of the c.i.d., 1920-1939 as founder of the k.a.p.n., although he declined membership; son of Johannes Pannekoek, office clerk (kantoorbediende) and Willemina Dorothea Beins; marries Leiden 1903 Johanna Maria Nassau Noordewier (Anna, 1871-1957), two children; see: An inventory of the writings of Antonie Pannekoek (1873-1960); Notes and letter by Anton Pannekoek, and Anton Pannekoek Newspaper-clippings/Krantenknipsels.

Anton Pannekoek Anton Pannekoek, source: d.b.n.l. .

 — Querido, Emanuel (1871-murdered Sobibor, 1943); Amsterdam, book publisher, the address of his publishing house was the postal address of the k.a.i.; also see: Emanuel Querido, 1871-1943 : Een leven met boeken  / Willem van Toorn.

Emanuel Querido Emanuel Querido, source: n.i.o.d. .

 — Sirach, Eduard (born Amsterdam 1895-Rotterdam, 1937); Leiden, son of Johannes Sirach and Maria Elisabeth Heeneman; in 1924 oppositional in the c.p.h., later l.a.o., editor of Spartacus and co-editor of the Redbook on Marinus van der Lubbe; marries Petronella Johanna Klepper, children: Johanna, Wilhelmina and Alida Sirach; see: Eduard Sirach overleden / H[enk]. Sneevliet. – In: De Nieuwe Fakkel, 31 december 1937, p. 3, and:  Rood Rotterdam in de jaren ’30. – Rotterdam : Uitgeverij Raket, [1984], 384 p.

Eduard Sirach Eduard Sirach  Eduard Sirach, source: i.i.s.g.  and: i.i.s.g. 

 — Siewertsz van Reesema, William Carl (1882-Moscou 1949); Rotterdam; in 1918 editor of De Internationale, later member of c.p.h., 1924-1949 in Russia; on police list of left-extremists in 1939, see: Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland .; also see:  De Tribune, 3 april 1918.  De Politiek der Duitsche Moderne Vakbeweging van 1914 tot 1919 / Paul Lange , vertaling en voorwoord van W. S. van Reesema. – Amsterdam : J.J. Bos & Co., [1919]. – 32 p. (Bron: Collectie a.a.a.p.).

Maurits Dekker William Carl Siewertsz van Reesema, source: Andere Tijden .

 — Soep, Abraham B. (1874-1958); Amsterdam, Antwerps, The Hague, editor, wrote in 1918 in De Internationale, in 1921 expelled from Belgium; see: b.w.s.a. .
He was the author of:
▸ Nationalisme of internationalisme? (Met een onuitgesproken rede voor het congres van de s.d.a.p., april 1915) / A.B. Soep. – ’s-Gravenhage : Verkrijgbaar bij drukkerij „De Arbeid”, Brouwersgracht 8, [1915]. – 68 p.
 p. i-v;  p. 1-16;  p. 17-28  p. 29-50;  p. 51-68
▸ Het Jodendom ; Anti-semitisme van uit een sociaal-historisch gezichtspunt bezien ; Rede gehouden in de maanden april, mei en juni 1933 voor de Vereeniging voor Volksontwikkeling te Amsterdam, Den Haag en Rotterdam en voor den Bond Anarcho Socialisten te Utrecht  / door A.B. Soep. – Den Haag : Uitgave “De Vonk”, [1933]. – 78 p.
 p. 1-19;  p. 20-39;  p. 40-59;  p. 60-78.

Abraham Soep Abraham Soep, source: b.w.s.a. .

 — Stello, Willem (1905-); Rotterdam, active council communist in the strike in Twente in 1938; mentioned on police list of the c.i.d., son of Leendert Cornelis Stelloo and Grietje Carpentier; he had an older brother Leendert Cornelis Stelloo, born Rotterdam 1898, died Pankanbaroe (Dutch Indies), 1945.

Related materials

 Kommunistische Propaganda auf deutschen Schiffen im Ausland / Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt in Berlin (Gestapo), 1938
On the terrorist communist/anarcho-syndicalist group ambar in Amsterdam

  De meridiaan van Moskou: de CPN en de Communistische Internationale, 1919-1930 / G. Voerman. – Groningen : s.n., 2001. – 664 p.
Source: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ; a lot of “psychology” and speculation about motivations; “principles” do not seem to exist in this work, there are only tactics; with some new sources from Comintern-archives.

Editorial Notes

1. The central archives of the c.i.d.  were destroyed in the May-days of 1940; only dispersed sources survived; the former ennemies of the state, in 1940, were considered potentially usefull against a common ennemy. The lists of “left-extremists” however circulated on many places and were certainly used by the German authorities.

2. See particularly: Joods Monument ; no definition is given whatsoever of who was supposed to have been a “jew” other than in the eyes of the nazi’s; in 1940 the German authorities imposed a “jew” identity on more than half of the former k.a.p.n. members, many of them (and their families) were murdered; for the workers’ revolt against the deportations of “jews” (whatever their background), see particularly: De Februari-staking 25-26 februari 1941 / B.A. Sijes. – ’s-Gravenhage : Martinus Nijhoff, 1954.

3. Also see: De geschiedenis van het Humanitarisme in Nederland .

4. Verboden te leven / Greet van Amstel. – Amsterdam : Polak & Van Gennep, 1965. Also see: Greet van Amstel .

5. Herman de Beer, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

6. See: In memoriam Jan Bos / [Frits Kief]. – In: De Vlam, 4e jaargang (1948), nr. 3 (16 januari), p. 4, and: In vader’s voetspoor  / Dennis Bos. – in: Onvoltooid Verleden.

7. Coenraad du Bruin, see: Joods Monument .

8. George Fraterman, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

9. Frits Grewel, see: In memoriam ; Kopstukken van de orthopedagogiek ; and: Archief van de Familie Grewel  (Stadsarchief Gemeente Amsterdam).

10. See: Gedenkboek P.F. van Hoorn / Theo van Hoorn, Th.M.E. Liketh. – Amsterdam : [Uitgegeven door het weekblad “De Schaakwereld” bij W.L. Salm & Company], [1937]. – 91 p.; also: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

11. Frits Kief, see: Resources Huygens ing , and: d.b.n.l. ; his papers are preserved at the i.i.s.g. ;  Frits Kief was niet te temmen / Lisette Lewin, necrologie nrc, 1976.

12. Bram Korper, see: Joods Monument , and: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939; as for his parents: David Korper, street trader (venter), born Den Helder, living Amsterdam, 27 years old, widower of Mietje Jacobs, son of Abraham Simon Korper, shoe maker (schoenmaker), living Amsterdam, and Fijtje Korper, deceased, marries Amsterdam, B.S., 7 september 1892 Rebecca Kokernoot, without profession, born and living Amsterdam, 22 years old, daughter of Abraham Barend Kokernoot, street trader (venter), and Rachel van der Horst, (both) living Amsterdam; source: WieWasWie .

13. Manus Korper, see on his death: Mij krijgen ze niet levend ; De zelfmoorden van mei 1940  / Lucas Ligtenberg. – Amsterdam : Uitgeverij Balans, 2017; for his household: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

14. Rosa Korper, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

15. Sara Korper, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

16. For some information on the Lopes Cordoza family, see: GenealogieOnline ; for the household: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

17. Lo Lopes Cardozo, for his household, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

18. See: Vele woningen, maar nergens een thuis. Barend Luteraan [1878-1970] / Dennis Bos. – Amsterdam : Het Spinhuis, 1996. – 149 p; also: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

19. Theo Maassen, see: Daad en Gedachte , nr. 6, June 1974, p. 15-17, followed by comments by Jaap Meulenkamp; and: Vele woningen, maar nergens een huis / Dennis Bos. – Amsterdam : Het spinhuis, 1996. – p. 53-55; and: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939; “calling himself Roossen” (“zich noemende Roossen”)

20. Jacob Nunes Vaz, see: Wikipedia  (en); Joods Monument , and: Archiefkaarten , Amsterdam, 1939-1994. Also see: Jaap Nunes Vaz  (Wikipedia).

21. See: Het leven van een beroepsrevolutionair of het belang van directe actie  / Bart de Cort. – 145 p.

22. Probably: Andries Slagter (1908-Monowitz , 1942), electrician, son of Samuel Slagter (1869, murdered Sobibor, 1943), street trader (venter), and Jeannette Aronius (1872-murdered Sobibor, 1943), marries 1930 Martha Pais (1909-murdered Sobibor, 1943), children: Jeannette (1931-murdered Sobibor, 1943), Salomon (1933-murdered Sobibor, 1943) and Elisabeth (1939-murdered Sobibor, 1943); part of their household were also Philip Swaab (1877-murdered Auschwitz, 1942), musicien, and his wife Hanna Lopez Cardozo (1886-murdered Auschwitz 1942); see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1903-1939, and: Joods Monument .
Other possibility: Alexander Salomon Slagter (1895-murdered Auschwitz, 1943), office clerk (kantoorbediende), son of Joseph Slagter and Hermina de Bruin, marries 1917 Henriette Marie Melkman (1894-murdered Sobibor, 1943), daughter of Samuel Melkman and Sara Boom; children: Max (1918-murdered Sobibor, 1943), Hermina (1919-murdered Auschwitz, 1943), marries 1942 L. Elzas, born 1911, also murdered Auschwitz, 1943), Frits (1923-), Siegfried (1925-unknown town 1945), and the twins Suze (1927-murdered Auschwitz, 1943) and Louis (1927-murdered Auschwitz, 1944); also see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939; Archiefkaarten , Amsterdam, 1939-1994; and: Joods Monument .

23. Barend Stuiver, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1903-1939.

24. Dirk van Swinderen, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939; for Saartje de Vries, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

25. Peter Utzelmann, see:  Syndikalismus und Linkskommunismus von 1918-1923 / Hans Manfred Bock. – Meisenheim : A. Hain, 1969. – 480 S.; S. 238-239, 248, 302-303; Bock mentions a “Tonband” made in 1966; and: Wer war wer in der d.d.r. .

26. See: Johan Valkhoff  (b.w.s.a.), also see: Valkhoff, Johan (1897-1975)  (Resources Huygens ing) and: marxists.org  (nl).

27. Abraham Verduin, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

28. Bernard Verduin, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

29. Isaak Verduin, see: Gezinskaarten , Amsterdam, 1893-1939.

30. In this book it reads: “Van beroep is hij meteropnemer bij het Gemeentelijke Gasbedrijf in Den Haag, maar hij heeft ook een eigen zaak in de Korte Poten, waar hij als ‘zuivelbereider’ werkzaam is”; according to this book, he was back in The Hague in April 1944. Also see: Rudi Harthoorn, Haags communistisch verzet .

31. Gerardus Geers; his papers are preserved at the i.i.s.g. ; also see: d.b.n.l.  and: Wikipedia, (de ), (en ), (es ); finally: d.b.n.l.  (Gerardus Johannes Geers (Delft, 10 december 1891-Groningen, 2 mei 1965) / H.Th. Oostendorp. – In: Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde, 1968. – p. 69-77).

32. Also see: Stambomen van de Nederlands Joodse families .

33. Probably: Johannes Weegink (1883/1884-1950), factory worker (fabrieksarbeider), son of Gerrit Weegink and Johanna Reekers, marries Hengelo 1910 Gesina van der Riet (1887/1888-1937), ironer (strijkster).

34. See:  Gerrit Jordens, Radencommunist (1877-1957) / Igor Cornelissen. – In: De As, 44e Jrg. (2016), nr. 196 (herfst-winter). – p. 50-52; Igor Cornelissen makes a classic blunder when he writes that Lenin answered Gorter; it was the other way around; Lenin never answered Gorter; also see: De Nederlandsche Leeuw , Jg. 47 (1929), p. 159; his papers are preserved at the i.i.s.g. .

35. See: Rudi Harthoorn, Haags communistisch verzet .

36. Maurits Dekker; also see: Hart van Amsterdam ; Maurits Dekker : Zijn persoon en zijn werk / David de Jong. – Leiden : A.W. Sijthoff’s Uitg. Mij NV., 1946; and: d.b.n.l. ; and: Dekker, Maurits Rudolph Joël (1896-1962)  (Huygens ing); Roodboek  / [Maurits Dekker]. – Amsterdam : Internationaal Uitgeversbedrijf, [1933].

Compiled by Vico, 16 October 2015, latest additions 27 April 2023
