Georg Grosz, Deutschland, ein Wintermärchen (Germany, A Winter Tale), 1918 (Verschwunden / Disappeared)
External links
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Links given here to sites (or anywhere else on this site) does not imply agreement with or responsibility for the content of these sites.
- en | fr | Fragments d’Histoire de la gauche radicale
Archives et sources de la gauche radicale et/ou extraparlementaire
- fr | La Bataille socialiste
Libertarian marxist blog, since 2007, closed in 2017
- fr | Smolny
Collectif d’édition des introuvables du mouvement ouvrier
This very huge site disappeared miraculeously in 2018; fortunately, it was somewhat safeguarded by: Internet Archive WayBackMachine ; it also partly reappeared in 2023.
- de | Stimmen der proletarischen revolution : Bibliothek der revolutionären Bewegungen unserer Zeit
Marx-Engels Werke; Werke von Bebel, Mehring, Kautsky, Lenin, Luxemburg, Liebknecht, Reed, Eisner, und viel mehr; made by Stalinists with little understanding of whatever; nothing new since 2019; needs a backup to safeguard the material
- de | en | es | fr | it | nl | pt | ru | tr | zh | “Left Wing” Communism – an infantile disorder?
On the history of the Communist Left, in many languages, with much pretence, and a whole lot of difficult to explain absenses.
- de | fr | Espace contre ciment / Raum gegen Zement
Deutsch- und Französischsprachige Quellen/Links; disappeared in 2023 or earlier
- nl | Daad en Gedachte
Maandblad gewijd aan de problemen van de zelfstandige arbeidersstrijd (1964-1997)
As this initiative seems to have been abandoned, see for a continuation: Daad en Gedachte, 1965-1997
- en | European History Primary Sources
A joint initiative of the Library and the Department of History and Civilization of the European University Institute in Florence, Italy
- de | Archiv Karl Roche
Regionales Archiv zur Dokumentation des antiautortären Sozialismus (radas – Hamburg)
- de | Barrikade
Streitschrift für Anarchosyndikalismus, Unionismus und revolutionären Syndikalismus
- en | A Free Retriever’s Digest
An internationalist Articles Selection & Review
- de | Sozialistische Klassiker 2.0
Nicht nur Trotskyistische Dokumentation
- fr | es | Bibliothèque du marxisme
Mostly French/Spanish Site d’hébergement de ressources / Sito di hosting di risorse; « marxiste libertaire »
- de | Rätekommunismus
Texte zum Rätekommunismus und Erziehung
- pt | Crítica Desapiedada
A Arma da Crítica a Favor da Transformação Radical da Sociedade!
- es | INTER-REV. Internacionalismo – Revolución
Foro político-social internacionalista
- ca | en | fr | it | Raoul Victor
Site entretenu par un fondateur du C.C.I., depuis 2001
Compiled by Vico, 5 August 2015, latest additions 13 June 2023
If ever something goes wrong with this site, some backup might be found here:
en | Internet Archive WayBackMachine
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
You are invited to make backups of this site to prevent its disappearance; archive.org soon saw an earnings/revenue model in the concept of backing up old stuff; pretending to be just a non-profit like Greenpeace, Amnesty International, the Albert Einstein Institute and many others, which are mostly, and particularly at critical moments, financed by multinational sponsoring and government subsidies.