Workers’ Dreadnought, 1919 Source: Spartacus Educational 

Sylvia Pankhurst Source: Peter Tatchell Foundation 

Guy Aldred Source: Anarchy Archives 

The British Communist Left: A history of left-wing communism in Britain, 1914-1945 / Mark Hayes. – 2nd edition, revised and with original documents. – [s.l.] : Old Moles Colletive, 2023. – 217 p. [First edition published by the I.C.C. , 2005, 147 p.]
The British Left
Anti-Parliamentary Communism : The Movement for Workers’ Councils in Britain, 1917–45 / Mark Shipway. – London : Palgrave Macmillan, 1988 : New York : St. Martin’s Press, 1988. – xiv, 239 p.
Sources: af.north.org (Anarchist Federation), also: libcom.org , and: Palgrave MacMillan ; also: Google Books (all incomplete)
Romancing the Revolution: The Myth of Soviet Democracy and the British Left (Googlebooks, incomplete) / Ian Bullock. – Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) : AU Press, Athabasca University, 2011. – 417 p.
Sylvia Pankhurst and the Workers’ Dreadnought, 1917-1924
For complete digital copies of the Workers’ Dreadnought: LSE Digital Libraries 
Guy Aldred
Letter of Guy Aldred to Anton Pannekoek, 10 October 1947
De Labourparty in Glasgow gehoond. De anti-parlementariërs roeren zich. Zeventien arrestaties [The Labour-Party jeered in Glasgow. The anti-parliamentarians stirring. Seventeen arrests.; on Henderson as murderer of the revolutionary James Connoly, after “The Commune”]; p.i.c., 2e jg., no. 3, januari 1929, no. 3
The Logic and Economics of the Class Struggle / by Guy A. Aldred. – Second Edition, 6.000, Revised and Enlarged. – London, W. : Printed and Published by the Bakunin Press, 103, Thorpebank Road, Shepherd’s Bush, 1908. – 13 p. – (Pamphlets for the Proletarian ; 1)
Source: libcom.org 
Pioneers of Anti-Parliamentarism / Guy A. Aldred. – Glasgow : The Strickland Press, 104 George Street, C.1. : Bakunin Press, Bakunin Hall, 29 Castle St., C.4, 1940 – 110 p.– (The Word Library ; 7)
“The editing of these essays has been severe and expressions of political opinion are mine and not that of the authors from whom I have abridged and adapted.”
Source: libcom.org 
- Contents
- Foreword
- Bakunin
- The Socialism of William Morris
- William Morris and Anti-Parliamentarism
- Malatesta
- John Most
- Red May: Tragedy and Resurgence
- Chicago’s Red Martyrs
- The Chicago Anarchists’ Programme
- Joseph Dietgen’s Stand
- Pending Execution
- Without Prejudice: A Judge’s Apology
- The Physiognomy of Social Revolution
- Daniel De Leon
- In Working-Class Memory
- The Yellow Chicago
- From Kotoku’s Correspondence
- Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg
- Liebknecht and Spartacus
- Liebknecht’s Apology
- Liebknecht’s Mock Trials
- Militarism and the General Strike
- Biographical Note
- Domela Nieuwenhuis
- Herman Gorter
- Illustrations
- Chicago Martyr’s Memorial
- Rosa Luxembourg
Compiled by Vico, 8 August 2018, latest additions 11 July 2023